VIDEO TUTORIAL: ORI STX Strut to Integral Reservoir Upgrade

This video demonstrates the procedure for upgrading an ORI STX strut to an Integral Reservoir strut. With this upgrade, comes some key advantages over the standard STX design, including a larger oil capacity, larger nitrogen volume, a 24 position compression adjuster on the reservoir, progressively multi staged compression damping that is velocity sensitve, and greatly improved thermal qualities for cooling.

Not only do we own and use these on our off-road machines, but we also got to see them in action at the King of the Hammers race, 2021, and we were impressed! The larger oil volume completely fills the main cylinder to provide damping throughout the entire stroke, which helps on jumps or any other time the struts compress after full extension. The larger nitrogen capacity softens the spring rate significantly, and the 24 position damping knob on the reservoir allows the user dial in the compression speed to their liking. After the 1st desert lap in the 4400 series class, Kevin Taylor and Heath day, drivers of the Porche 911 themed car completed the 76 mile loop in just over 2 hours (avereging 34mph), hitting speeds of 60-70mph through the open whoop sections (the fastest their drivetrain setup would allow).

This update can be purchased as a kit from Jensen Brothers Off-Road: